The perfect love story doesn’t exist...oh wait, yes, it does! We found two of the greatest love stories ever and compiled them for you so that you never give up on your search for your true soulmate.
No, unfortunately, Rose and Jack’s titanic “fairy-tale” didn’t quite make the cut.
So, sit back, relax and prepare to be fully immersed in the lives of these former lonely singles!
Back in 1992, both Paula Johnson and Simon Davies were reaching the top of their respective fields. Their careers were booming, their lives were great, and things were looking good with their partners, who would’ve known how fate would intertwine the two of them forever.
It was August 1992, Paula and Simon were assigned to visit the same building for the up-and-coming technology review of the time. It was only when they arrived that they were first seated next to each other. When they got chatting, Paula discovered that her husband had, in fact, been seeing Simon’s wife for over two years. Simon realized the same thing when Paula showed him a picture of her husband from her handbag. He knew the man but was assured by his partner they were just friends.
Heartbroken, both Paul and Simon realized they were better off away from their former lovers and building something alone, and that’s when their eyes locked. They embraced with a kiss, almost spontaneously. It just felt right.
In the days that followed, Paula and Simon grew closer and closer together, to the point where they became virtually inseparable. They both carried on working in the respective fields before creating their own company business relating to their shared passion for technology.
Both Paula and Simon quickly realize that they had never shared such an intimate bond with anyone else, nor had they ever found someone else who shared so many common traits and interests. Now they are happily married for over 22 years and have three happy, healthy children, owning their family home!
It was 2010; Eric Phillips was working late behind the bar in his favorite local club in downtown NYC. Eric needed the money to pay for his car service as it had been off the road for some time, and he was really struggling to get to work and back as well as living his life. Due to living in a remote location, a location of the bus routes, it was very difficult for Eric to commute anywhere.
The very first time Eric laid eyes on Denise, he said he knew she was the one he’d spend the rest of his life with. From that day, he tried everything he could to secure the hand of his dream woman, but his efforts seem to be unnoticed.
One evening, as Denise was leaving her local haunt, Eric was clocking off simultaneously, signaling the end of his shift. It was then, as he was about to front the 5-mile walk to his house, that he saw two men approaching Denise, who at the time wasn’t fully aware of the danger she was in.
Eric knew the two guys had malicious intentions and stepped into action immediately to deal with the situation. As he approached, the guys grab hold of Denise; luckily, Eric is a black belt in karate so dealing with the two burly thugs was no issue for him. Eric dispatched the two men, with one running away whilst he detained the other whilst the police we en-route.
Denise was grateful, repeatedly asking what she could do to ever repay Eric for his bravery. The only thing Eric wanted in return was a date with this beautiful lady. From then on, that was the beginning of their beautiful love story.
Now just under 11 years later, to the day, both Eric and Denise are living happily together with two children. They married in their dream church ceremony back in 2015 with immediate family and those closest to them in attendance.
We hope that these two love stories can demonstrate that you can find love no matter how hard or desperate it seems. Truelove is usually found when you least expect it, so don’t be disheartened if things aren’t going as well as you’d hope now!